Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Motivating words:

4 whole weeks.

It has been officially 4 weeks!! Time has slipped through my fingers. Being on this program has taught me two things, 1- self control and 2- to feel good about myself. Both of those two things, have always been a struggle. I have never been a really skinny girl, or or top of the class, or anything like that. I have simply always felt average in every day life. I think when I started to become comfortable in those shoes, I began to not care what people thought. Meaning, I stopped caring what my hair looked like, if I put makeup on, or how "in style" my clothes were. I think that changed the self control mode in my brain. It has not been good and has lowered my self esteem. Being in this program has boosted some of my confidence. It has changed how my mind needs to process my life in knowing "if I want to change, I have to put forth the change". I need to feel good about myself.
Staying positive is always another hard battle. It has become easier to keep positive, for the fact that my body feels good. It has definitely been a LONG time since I have felt thin enough to put on certain clothes. I haven't had that yucky bloaty feeling for a while! (thank goodness!)
I hope everyone is staying positive out there!! Keep up the hard work! They keep saying it will be worth it in the end.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Motivating words:

3 whole weeks.

Well, three weeks down! This week I have not lost any pounds. But, I have lost an inch around my waist!! That's always a plus. I do feel great and I've had tons of energy, which I am loving!
I think drinking all the water that is needed, is the hardest part!! I keep having to remind myself why I am not guzzling down an ice cold coke. That's the biggest temptation so far, but I am happy to say I have still not had a coke since the beginning of February!!
This has been a very hard time to try and lose weight. Since we are in the middle of moving to a house, time and energy seem to wear on me. And that Maverik on the corner keeps calling my name... I have to remember this:

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Motivating words:

2 whole weeks.

It has been officially been two weeks on the Herbalife Advanced program. I lost 3 pounds last week!! Yay! I am down a total of 15 pounds since the beginning of February. :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Motivating words:

One whole week.

I have officially been on the herbalife advanced program for 1 week. I have lost 2 pounds, with no exercise. I have also lost 1/4 inch off my thighs. It's not a huge amount, but it's progress. And that makes me excited! Especially with such a busy schedule and not bring able to put forth all the effort to exercise. I enjoy walking, but with the weather in Utah; one day will be 65 degrees and gorgeous and then the next day it snows. So, it is awesome progress to lose that much so quickly!

Keep up the good work everyone! It takes one day at a time.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Day 3

Day 3 of my diet:

Today I weighed myself and I have lost another pound! (go me!) When the scale tells me I am dropping pounds, I find it very motivating. That's the proof of hard work paying off! When I started my diet I was on the Herbalife Quickstart program (4 weeks ago), I have decided to upgrade the Herbalife Advanced, and I feel like an energizer bunny.  I just feel like going, going, going!!! I love it. I just had to share that I lost a pound, because it is very exciting to me.

If you want to know what Herbalife is, or the many diet plans that are designed per individual; please don't hesititate to ask.

You can reach me (Shari) at (801)448-8898 or my husband Jared (801)598-1067.

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Start of My Adventure

Well, I am starting a new adventure in my life. Or maybe I should call it a mission. A mission to lose weight. And a mission to help others lose weight. I have been overweight, or as the Government BMI chart would say "Obese", (what an awful word!) for a few years. Too many to count. I want to be out of that category and I want to feel good. I want energy.
I recently went to a conference with my husband for Herbalife, about losing weight and feeling good about yourself. The main question throughout the whole conference was "What is your "Why"?" Basically, what is going to drive you to accomplish your goals and stick to them? Or in another way they talked about it is, "What is your burning desire?".
Well I want to list out what my "Why" is:
1. I just want to have self confidence. I want to look in the mirror and be like "Wow! I do look good!" Instead of wanting to vomit.
2. I want to wear that section of clothes in my closet that I have named "Skinny" and that I havent been able to wear for a year or two.. or maybe more. (Eek!)
3. I want to be able to go to the store and find a pair of size 6 or 7 jeans and feel so accomplished and proud for being able to fit in that size again. Or anything under a size 12 for that matter.
4. Lastly, I want to be able to run and play with my son and husband and not feel like I am absolutely going to die! Or puke.. Or faint... (I could probably go on..)
I am currently taking Herbalife Advanced Program to lose weight. I have currently lost 11 pounds in 4 weeks with this program. I want a better way to track my progress and also track the progess of friends and family members who are using the Herbalife products.
Please feel free to comment or ask any questions you may have. I will be doing as many updates as possible, in hopes of motivating anyone out there that may be in the same situation I am in.
I will also be posting some of my favorite recipes and different exercises I come across.
My favorite quote of the whole conference was "In order to change something, you have to change what you are doing, get out of your comfort zone." I have developed my own comfort zone in becoming a hermit crab and hiding behind my clothes. Hiding from the real size I have become, because it is not me. It's not who I want to be.
I am making a declaration to get down to 145 pounds, which is about 50 pounds that I need to lose. I want everyone and anyone who reads this to hold me accountable for losing weight and staying focused.
Anyone who would like to join this journey, or mission, please feel free to come along. The more people we can get together, the more support we can gain from one another.